It's been two long years since my last post and I'd love to say that I remember this blog like it was meant to be but that would mean that I have been thinking about it every day since that last post and I just can't say that. In two years though I've read a little over a hundred books. Reading took a back seat. But since my last post was in January of 2022 I can say that it's been a rough time. What was supposed to be a breeze has not been. We've been dealing with bullying teachers. Dual enrollment. Marching Band. Bullying from peers. It's been a long two nearly three years. I'll do a short reintroduction to me in my next post. Whenever that may be. Stick with me and maybe we'll see how long I can remember to post. <3 Annie
So, let's jump right into it. I've set some goals for the year and I'm pretty well positive that they may be a little unrealistic. Hey, I'm nothing if not positive when it comes to my reading. I like to try and say I'm definitely going to get this done only to know I'm not going to get this done. I would say that this is not a bad habit but I know pretty well that this is in fact a bad habit. It's a bad habit that I probably need to kick but I'm just so consistent with it. So let's talk about those goals real quick. I want to make the attempt to read at least 52 books. They can be anything. I'm going to be picky. They can be short stories, full novels, manga, graphic novels, the sky is the limit when it comes to reading. I mean I'm not putting a limit on the type. However, I've got some smaller goals that I'd like to look at accomplishing as well and they will be accomplished with my big goal of 52 books. I want to read about 10 to 15...