I did not set very large goals for myself this year. Over the last two years my reading declined a great deal. I wanted to be realistic about my reading goals. I thought back over the years at what I read the most and what I wanted to read this year. I know my reading taste have changed a great deal over the years. When I started reading again heavily in August of 2014 I was really into Young Adult. That was really all I was picking up. However, as I have gotten older I have discovered that I have different taste now. I still enjoy Young Adult don't get me wrong. Some of my favorite books to this day are young adult books. So what were my goals over the course of this year? Let's run over them real quick.
I wanted to read a grand total of 12 books this year. I wanted to read over 10,000 pages. I wanted 5 to be Manga. Trying to step out of my comfort zone. I wanted 5 to be romance. I've been reading a lot of romance in the last year. I wanted 2 of those books to be middle grade books. I wanted 1 historical book and 6 young adult books. You didn't really think that I didn't notice that those numbers didn't add up did you? I figured I would read the 5 manga and the 5 romance and even the 2 middle grade but I wanted to give myself some more goals because sometimes a goal is all it takes to keep me reading and out of a slump.
What exactly did I read this year? Did I hit those goals. Well I read -- books. That's -- more books than I expected. You know that's a miracle to me right? So what about my other goals? Did I reach my 5 manga? I reached that and more. I wanted to read 5 manga. However, I managed to read double my goal of 5. I read 10. I enjoyed each one and there were a few that I was buying as they were coming out and devouring them as soon as I was at home sitting on my couch.
So how about my Historical goal of one book? Did I hit that? I am proud to say that I did actually manage to read one historical book. I enjoyed it a great deal and the other part is I read this and listened to it as an Audiobook. I was very intrigued by this author's ideas about Anne Boleyn. You should check out Anne Boleyn: 500 Years of Lies by Haley Nolan the book was amazing and how she reads it and writes it keeps you entertained. It's not written like a normal historical text. Let's discuss Middle Grade reads. Did I actually get my 2 middle grade reads in? Yes, yes I did but these were not ones I normally would have picked up. My son was reading these. He needed some help getting through one of them and so I read it to see what the problem was. I discovered it quickly and requested a new book for him. That book was a bit better than the first one so I read two books by Alan Gratz earlier in the year. So 2 middle grade books? Check.
What about my romance needs? Did I get 5 books in on the romance department or did I fail horribly? Well I am happy to tell you that I did not fail in this. I read 13 (as of typing this) romance books that is 8 more than I actually set my goal for. I was totally happy with many of the ones I read. There are a few I read and don't remember the concept. It was a bland story. There are some that I'm like what the hell did I just read. Then there are some that I'm still reading the rest of the series. Or some that I'm like I really want to read it over again. Do I plan to? It's possible. So let's talk about the last goal. My final goal. Did I meet my goal of 6 young adult books? Yes, I read exactly 6 young adult books (as of typing this) books. Four of these were re-reads for me. They were meant to help me out of a reading slump for three of them. One of them I just wanted to re-read it because I love it. I couldn't help it.
So with all of that said I can safely say that I did meet all of my goals. And if you notice I didn't talk about my pages read goal. This is the only goal that I did not meet. I was only able to read 9,863 pages this year that is about a hundred and thirty-seven pages shy of my goal. Am I sad that I did not make that goal? If I'm being honest not really. Missing the goal by less than a hundred and fifty pages does not make me a sad cookie. I'm still proud of the amount of pages that I read this year. So with all of that said let's move on to next year!
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