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2022 Goals

So, let's jump right into it. I've set some goals for the year and I'm pretty well positive that they may be a little unrealistic. Hey, I'm nothing if not positive when it comes to my reading. I like to try and say I'm definitely going to get this done only to know I'm not going to get this done. I would say that this is not a bad habit but I know pretty well that this is in fact a bad habit. It's a bad habit that I probably need to kick but I'm just so consistent with it.

So let's talk about those goals real quick. I want to make the attempt to read at least 52 books. They can be anything. I'm going to be picky. They can be short stories, full novels, manga, graphic novels, the sky is the limit when it comes to reading. I mean I'm not putting a limit on the type. However, I've got some smaller goals that I'd like to look at accomplishing as well and they will be accomplished with my big goal of 52 books. I want to read about 10 to 15 manga. That's going to be a fairly easy one. I mean here we are a few days into the new year and I've already completed two manga and there are a few more that I've been dying to get to.

Another smaller goal is reading about 5 to 10 books in the kindle unlimited area. I have a long list of books that I'd love to get read and if I could get them done I'd love it. I've found some great authors on Kindle Unlimited and don't worry I've got a list for you guys already for a blog post later down the line. Another goal that ties into this one is my goal for reading about 5 to 10 E-Books. I have a kindle and I love it but I never really use it much. I'd love to get 5 audiobooks read this year as well. I have so many audiobooks because of course I have audible and I love it when I remember to actually use it. It keeps me entertained on some of my fairly longer drives that I've got to get done.

And for the individual genre goals. I'd like to read five books in each of these genres. Romance, Historical, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Classic, Contemporaries, Young Adult, Horror and/or Suspense, Mafia and Reverse Harem. Those last two are pretty out of my normal realm of reading and I'd like to branch out a bit more when it comes to my reading.

So tell me what you are most looking forward to reading this year.


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